C# Wrapper


Please make sure that you have read Getting Started because even the implementation is very different then default default REST approach, there are some concepts and issues described in much more details than it is here and some are assumed so there are no details at all.

The C# Wrapper Library that hides and abstracts the REST details under cover of wrapper and allows developers to use REST API in native way or in this case C# way. The C# Wrapper Library behind scene uses JSON as content media type.

The C# Wrapper Library also abstracts the authentication, HTTP PUT and DELETE verb issue in more easier way.

Setup and Dependencies


To setup C# Wrapper Library there is a need to add the reference to Qualtrak.Coach.API.Wrappers.CSharp.dll provided with installation of Coach. Note that project framework is needed to be .NET 4.5, but note that .NET 4.5 Client Profile is not supported.


The dependencis to run the C# Wrapper Library are:


The C# Wrapper Library uses Json.NET 4.5 Release 7 but any newer version should work properly.


Unlike send it in HTTP Header like in normal REST way this is abstract, but information is needed so it is a part of each C# Wrapper method. There is a need for providing the key and secret for each call to the REST API.

Response Content and API Wrapper

Response Content is the data that is result of some request, and API wrapper is the way to send requests to REST API.

Response Content

It is class ResponseContent that holds the REST API response message as its content.

Non-Generic Version

The non-generic version of ResponseContet has two properties:


The Error property and it is an error response when some known error occurred due validation or some unknown exception occurred on server. The Error property is actual Domain Model, read more in Client Errors


The integer representation of HTTP Staus Code (eg. 200).

The Generic Version

The generic version ResponseContent<T> inherits from ResponseContent so it has its properties and also:


The Result<T> is a actual result data sent as response content, and the generic T can be List or Domain Model.

API Wrapper

The API Wrapper is actually interface ITreeApiWrapper<TModel, TList> used is mostly all CRUD resources for Coach Console API.

The ITreeApiWrapper<TModel, TList> has this methods:

ResponseContent<ICollection<TList>> GetAll()

Method used for getting list of all request items that are collection of entity List Model. The Result<T> will be sent if get all was successful if there is an error then the Error property will hold the error message.

ResponseContent<TModel> GetById(Guid id)

Method used for getting a new or persisted instance of entity Domain Model. Use this method for getting default values on add and lookup data for both add and edit of entity. The Result<T> will be sent if get by id was successful if there is an error then the Error property will hold the error message.

ResponseContent<TModel> Create(TModel entity)

Method used for creating the resource. It expects created Domain Model to be sent and it returns this persisted Domain Model as it is called by GetById. The Result<T> will be sent if create was successful if there is an error then the Error property will hold the error message.

ResponseContent<TModel> Update(TModel entity, bool updateViaPost = false)

Method used for updating already persisted the resource. It expects updated Domain Model to be sent and it returns this updated Domain Model as it is called by GetById. The Result<T> will be sent if update was successful if there is an error then the Error property will hold the error message.


The parameter updateViaPost is set by default to false and it will be using PUT on request, if this is issue, you can set it to true and will be using PUT via POST.

ResponseContent Delete(Guid id, bool deleteViaPost = false)

Method used to delete resource by sending id. It returns non-generic ResponseContent so there is no result just Error. So if Error is not null then something went wrong on server.


The parameter deleteViaPost is set by default to false and it will be using DELETE on request, if this is issue, you can set it to true and will be using DELETE via POST.


Note that all resources doesn’t implement ITreeApiWrapper<TModel, TList> like Tenant, Tenant Tree and License.