Client Errors

The description of client side errors that can get from REST API server on known logic errors and unknown exceptions.

Error Model

Represents the Error model as value object with available properties.

Name Description Type
id Representing Error identifier from API Logs. guid
message The Error message it can be descriptive for known error and generic for unknown exceptions. string
description The Error description mainly a generic text for unknown exception. string
httpStatusCode The HTTP Status Code, eg. 200. integer
requestArguments The collection of sent Request Arguments. array(RequestArgument)


The Error properties names (Name column) is for default usage by JSON, for C# Wrapper usage the Error properties are capitalized (eg. Id, Name,..)!

Note that C# Wrapper has for Error Model overridden a ToString() method and calling instance of error like error.ToString() will result with displaying the Error and all Requested Arguments


Note that only simple Request Arguments will be sent like integer, string, boolean,... The complex types are currently not supported to be sent as Error Request Arguments.

Request Argument Model

Represents the Request Argument model as value object with available properties.

Name Description Type
name The Request Argument name, eg. id. string
value The Request Argument value for name Request Argument. string


The Error properties names (Name column) is for default usage by JSON, for C# Wrapper usage the Error properties are capitalized (eg. Id, Name,..)!

Known Errors

The list of Known Errors that can happen while interacting with Coach REST API.


Note that this errors are generic description of server side known errors and errors sent to client will be with proper and very descriptive error messages, due to some logic and according to what arguments are sent when error occurred. Many errors are more described in particular entity’s documentation, mostly around its Domain Model.

Known Error Description
Missing Consumer Key and/or Secret Consumer key and/or secret is not sent with HTTP Header.
Unauthorized Key and/or Secret Consumer key/secret combination is not known and hence unauthorized.
Invalid Tenant Code The tenant code provided through URL is not valid. Must be 1000 and greater!
Unknown Tenant Code The tenant code is not existing.
Unknown Content-Type The Request Header must include a valid and supported Content-Type media format (JSON or XML).
Exceeded License Total For Agents The licenses exceeded the total of purchased licenses. Note one active user as agent is one license!
Unknown Reference Entity Id The sent referenced entity GUID Id is unknown or empty GUID. Reference to entity can be established.
Unique Username Validates the uniqueness of User’s username. There cannot be two same usernames for tenant.
Required Field Validates that required field or property has proper value assigned to it.
Invalid Id The Id of entity is empty GUID.
Invalid Date Range The date range of start and end date is invalid when end date is greater than start date.
Incorrect Period Type The incorrect combination usage of schedule period type and occurrence.
Incorrect Numeric The applied numeric value is not correct whether of crossing some range, negative number, greater than 0,...
Incorrect Date The applied data is no correct due some date logic.
Delete While Having Reference The entities that are referenced by some other entities are not allowed to be deleted.